Prof. Dr. Fatih Yıldız

Middle East Technical University

Department of Food Engineering


06800 Ankara - TURKEY



Phone: +90 (312) 210 56 43

Fax: +90 (312) 210 27 67



  • B.S. Agricultural Engineering, Atatürk University, Erzurum,Turkey, 1970
  • M.S. Food Science-Microbiology, University of Maryland, College Park, U.S.A., 1974
  • Ph.D. Food Science-Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, U.S.A. 1978

Research Interest

  • Health and Food ; Nutritional needs of Hormonal system and Somatic cell nutrition.
  • Photovoltaics in Food and agricultural Industries.
  • Food Traceability  based on  DNA fingerprinting, RFID applications in packaging, and storage ; GIS sytems in agricultural Production.
  • Effects of Packaging  on food product safety, and sensory quality.


Recent Publications

YILDIZ F.(2008) Bilimsel Yönleriyle Makarna(Scientific Pasta) TMSD(Turkish Association of Pasta Producers,  Ankara/Turkey.


YILDIZ F.(2009) Advances in Food Biochemistry, CRC Press Publishing Companies.(Francis and Taylor Group), 510 pages. New York,NY, USA.


YILDIZ F. (2010) Development and Manufacturing  of Yogurt and Other Functional Dairy ,Products.  CRC Press Publishing Companies.(Francis and Taylor Group), 425 pages. New York,NY, USA.


YILDIZ, F., Çelebi Celalettin R.,Uçar Ömür (2010) “Measuring Emotions among Perfume consumers by EMG Technique”1st World Congress on Olfaction and Issues,November 4-5,2010,Maison de la Recherche, Paris, France


YILDIZ F.(2012) International,Food,Agriculture and Gastronomy Congress, in Antalya Belek, Turkish Agricultural Federation Publication No.10.  METU-Department of  Food Engineering,Ankara,Turkey.

Last Updated:
13/04/2021 - 10:55